26 Oct 2021 11:52 AM By Opterus

About Glentel, Inc.

For over 20 years, GLENTEL-managed retail locations have been the go-to destination for all things mobile across Canada. The company operates over 350 wireless outlets operating under Tbooth wireless, WIRELESS etc. and WIRELESSWAVE brands.

Operational Challenges

Prior to implementing Opterus OpsCenter Glentel, Inc. was facing challenges with heavy manual processes and reliance on paper. Additionally, there was no standardized method in filing or storing of information. This meant that Area Managers had to be physically in stores to conduct reviews and that the Corporate teams had little to no visibility as to what was happening in their stores.


Today, Glentel Inc. has Opterus OpsCenter in all their retail locations. They are using many of our modules, including (but not limited to): messages, tasks, audits, and dashboards.
Opterus Logo
Glentel Logo

A Passion for Connected Services & Operational Efficiencies

Since implementing OpsCenter in 2016, Glentel has benefited from ongoing ROI by eliminating printing costs, streamlining their processes, and providing area managers and head office teams with real-time updates. The “quick and easy to use” desktop and mobile application allows them to ensure consistency across stores and different brands so that they can continue to enrich the lives of Canadians through Connected Services.
