01 Mar 2021 9:57 AM By Opterus

In the consumer banking industry, just like with brick-and-mortar retailers, there must be a strong and clear focus on the client and client loyalty. That means execution and customer service must be a priority. Opterus wants to help you, help your branches, be as productive and efficient as they can be.

Add to this the uncertainty the pandemic brings; banks are facing altered hours and potential closures of branches, stringent regulations on how to interact with customers and with financial teams, sanitation guidelines, and most importantly, how to keep your branch reps and clients safe. Operational readiness, that you get from effective communication and efficient operational execution, is essential throughout your financial organization.

Opterus’ OPSCENTER Banking solution will help you improve execution, cut costs, and increase customer service and loyalty by putting our proven mobile solution into the hands of your financial representatives.
March 2021