22 Jun 2023 7:33 AM By Gary

By: Janet Hawkins, CEO & Founder Opterus Inc.

It was so great to have our recent client summit event in person. We continue to provide our proven solution to some of the world’s largest retailers, with over 52,000 active locations in over 49 countries worldwide. As a co-founder and CEO of Opterus my favorite thing is to see clients who have been with us for a long-time share with new clients and even soon to be clients on how they benefit by using our solution, OPSCENTER. I’m very proud of our client retention and that we, in fact, had in attendance our very first client, who joined our Opterus family in 2008. It’s great to see that they can still benefit from other client’s use of OPSCENTER and get excited for what’s on our roadmap, along with what the future holds for Opterus users.


We’ve launched our product, OPSEngine and are very excited by how it’s powering solutions beyond our OPSCENTER UI. OPSEngine is a combination of various GraphQL, Rest and SOAP APIs that can be used to access OPSCENTER to programmatically use the features of OPSCENTER. Although these APIs could be used to accomplish various tasks (such as pulling report data or creating a task), it is especially tailored to assist in creating a custom user interface for task management and communications and more. We also put our money where our mouth is and have built our next generation UI on top of OPSEngine. We have already integrated with various POS, WFM, and MS Teams and other BI tools. 


I like to say we have an “egoless” solution that lets the retailer’s associate access the power of OpsCenter from whatever UI they want. That could be our UI or directly form your POS for store associates, use of the Teams App for DMs or RMs and even another BI tool at HQ. It doesn’t matter how you access the power of OPSCENTER, all our functionality will be available to your users in the way they want to access it. This can be huge for change management, yet you still get all the reporting and accountability of anything you are communicating or executing at the stores. 


In our upcoming v23.2 release in September we are introducing the ability to add SCORM content (almost any LMS standard) providing the functionality to complete tests and learning in OPSCENTER. 


Just continuing to add functionality to provide real value to retailers. We are doing all this to truly give retailers that ‘one pane of glass’ for users to access anything from simple communications to tests and KPIs all from one seamless UI. Let us show you what we can do for your business.