25 May 2022 9:19 AM By Gary

Top Takeaways from Opterus’ 2022 Operational Excellence Client Summit

​By: Lisa Britton-Poppler

On May 18th we held our Annual Opterus Client Summit event and what an event it was! With customers joining us from around the world it was our largest event to date and included sessions on consumers new expectations and the impact on brick-and-mortar operations, frictionless digital technology for in-store associates, creating a culture of inclusion in retail, and of course our much-anticipated roadmap.


With so many great follow up discussions already happening we compiled a list of our key takeaways from the event. So, let’s dive in.


1.  Retail Transformation as Consumers want it all – consumers expect hybrid shopping experiences, sustainability, and purpose-driven brands


Today retailers continue to seek ways to transform experiences, operations, and financial performance. They are looking for ways to drive seamless experiences (across every touchpoint), remove complexity from the stores and reengineer how stores work, optimize inventory and maximize revenue, and digitize stores for quicker innovation cycles. And this is all being driven by consumers following their digital experiences throughout COVID. As Nearly 3 out of 4 consumers rely on stores as part of their primary buying method retailers will need to be focused on building their agility and providing consumers with in-store experiences that are fast, efficient, and at times experiential.

Colm O'Brien

Partner, Global Consumer Industry

IBM Consulting

2.  Creating frictionless experiences for in-field teams will further organizational success


OPSCENTER was able to replace multiple legacy task and communication systems and has become a frictionless, must-have, application for frontline employees. A truly one-stop-shop for facilitating communications and tasks, providing quick access to information and important reporting employees are spending less time on administrative work and more time with customers.

Matt Broel

Director Store Operations Support

Dollar Tree Inc.


3.  Creating and living a culture of inclusion is fundamental to employee well-being and company success


When it comes to the challenges faced with diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), the retail sector is no exception. According to a Diversity Imperative Retail Study done by McKinsey DE&I factors in to both consumer and employee sentiment, consumer spending, and individuals declining or accepting job offers. In fact, this McKinsey study examined “…five years of data, including 1,000 companies in 15 countries, and found that companies in the top quartile for gender diversity are 25 percent more likely to outperform those in the bottom quartile. And that companies in the top quartile for ethnic diversity are 36 percent more likely to outperform their less diverse peers. And Almost 40 percent of millennials have not pursued or have turned down a job because they perceived their potential employer to lack inclusive mindsets and actions.”

4.  Client input, systems data, and operational trends set the foundation for OPSCENTER and Holler innovation


At Opterus we have a strategic approach to innovation, to empower our clients for operational excellence, which focuses on:


·  how we can build on our existing capabilities

·  product feedback from our customers

·  keeping a pulse on operational market trends

·  analyzing system data

·  strategic partnerships


We are proud of how our innovation has allowed us to continue to be a leader in the task and communication space for more than 10-years and serve organizations around the world.

Rick Peters

Founder and Chief Product Officer
